Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Preliminaries Day 4

 Editorial note: It's crunch time for me as we start to get into the live feed of information versus the blog... I have tried my best to update the Team's F.B. page when things happen and then recap the entire day with the blog.  That will start to change as my time is freed up and I can do both much quicker.  I have a huge 45 gig plan ($45 Australian) and I plan to use it!! So here we we go.....

Morning Session.....

 One final day of flying for many pilots as the roster is cut down to the top 30 pilots.  I should have the results by the time I update this blog later today so start checking back often. 

Michi was up again at 9:52 and put in a good flight. He elected to change planes to his back up Excess bipe because he felt he could see it better. It turned out to be true but sadly a bit late in the game.  The entire team came out to watched as he flew with light shifting winds. He was happy with it and managed to also pull the black ball (which requires the planes to be re-processed.. weighed, measured etc.) following his flight.

Not really a big deal and the plane passed without issue.

Michi awaits his turn

Cheering section!


Michi and the crew!

Michi's Round 4 scores.

USA watching Pete Collinson fly before Chad.

Chad was up third following Pete Collinson of the USA. He again had a very strong consistent flight in some increasing winds.  I have been calling for him over the course of the event and have never seen such strong, consistent flying from him.  After his flight, he also pulled the black ball and his plane was reprocessed, again no issues.
Battery check.


We took some pictures of the team members (hint: Never give your camera to the bearded one!)  

Made lunch and met some nice local folks. One being Eddie Edwards who flew F3A with Canada's Ivan Kristensen back in the 90's at Pensacola, Florida. Small world! Had a great conversation with him.

The car worked well as a food truck:-)

Henry was up after lunch at 13:23 and put in a good round in blowing conditions. He managed the airspace well but the spin entry continued to be a blight on the score card... although he did score with no zero's.  He was happy and we all gathered around for another team picture.

Chad was off to practice at the WAM field with Michi following along to burn off some packs. We returned to the motel to relax and await the final scores. Team managers meeting tonight at 17:00 to draw flight order and discuss any relevant issues

Check back for updates on final P-23 scores and placement and any other info I may come across. As you can see I am suffering greatly doing the blogging!

Note: One of the British Pilots, Garry Peacock suffered an eye infection of some sort and spent some time at the E.R. in Warwick this morning. His eye had puffed up but was able to fly later in the afternoon. Great news! 

Update: The final P-23 scores are now calculated and the results are as follows...

With the top 30 pilots going on to semi-finals, the remainder will now start to pack up their planes (except demo pilots of course).  Tomorrow is an reserve day so judges will be doing some home work on the F-23 schedule along with demo flights and the 30 top guys will be out practicing as much as possible. 

John and I drove out to the glider club and joined in on the 17:00 Managers meeting. They discussed the format and then drew names to determine flight order. The results are shown below.

 This will be properly documented in the coming hours and published for all to see. So on Friday, Chad is 11th up on Flight Line 1 in the morning and then switches to being up number 3 at Flight Line 2 in the afternoon. The exact times will be published at some point. 

For tomorrow, Chad will head out early to practice the F schedule (with me in tow), John will sleep in and eventually follow us, Michi will have a family day, Henry and Terri are doing a trip into Brisbane for the night and Agnes & Kelly will be out terrorizing the local population in some fashion :-) 

That is it for now. 


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